October 17, 2007

A- Alive we shall keep the burning fire of ALPHA KAPPA RHO
L- Lord shall be our strength
P- Power shall we posses
H- Honor shall we give to ALPHA KAPPA RHO
A- Allegiance we shall pledge

K- Keep and preserved the good name of ALPHA KAPPA RHO
A- Always we shall defend ALPHA KAPPA RHO
P- Powerful and influential we shall be
P- Purity shall be our policy
A- Assistance shall we give to our Brotherhood and Sisters

R- Reputation we must keep unstained
H- Human and humble we shall be
O- Onward to success until our struggle and strength are grown with victory and glory for ALPHA KAPPA RHO...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?